

作者:great grey owl(来自豆瓣)

前天在f父母家过夜。我喝了两杯红酒,躺到床上。我已经不记得是从什么开始聊起的,大概是说起了他要去首都做一个两天的旅行。他开玩笑说,你别太想我啊,还没等你意识到我就已经回来了。我说哈我好不容易有几天f free的日子,撒欢还来不及呢哪有时间想你。









昨晚跟f说我写了一篇文字说这事,他给我发了作家Ann Druyan在她丈夫卡尔·萨根去世以后说的话,读得我当场泪奔。用浩瀚宇宙的视角凝视爱的生离死别,伟大的爱当如是。原文在此When my husband died

“When my husband died, because he was so famous and known for not being a believer, many people would come up to me-it still sometimes happens-and ask me if Carl changed at the end and converted to a belief in an afterlife. They also frequently ask me if I think I will see him again. Carl faced his death with unflagging courage and never sought refuge in illusions. The tragedy was that we knew we would never see each other again. I don’t ever expect to be reunited with Carl. But, the great thing is that when we were together, for nearly twenty years, we lived with a vivid appreciation of how brief and precious life is. We never trivialized the meaning of death by pretending it was anything other than a final parting. Every single moment that we were alive and we were together was miraculous-not miraculous in the sense of inexplicable or supernatural. We knew we were beneficiaries of chance. . . . That pure chance could be so generous and so kind. . . . That we could find each other, as Carl wrote so beautifully in Cosmos, you know, in the vastness of space and the immensity of time. . . . That we could be together for twenty years. That is something which sustains me and it’s much more meaningful. . . . The way he treated me and the way I treated him, the way we took care of each other and our family, while he lived. That is so much more important than the idea I will see him someday. I don’t think I’ll ever see Carl again. But I saw him. We saw each other. We found each other in the cosmos, and that was wonderful.”


― Ann Druyan

ps: 卡尔·萨根是著名的天体物理学家,科普作家,无神论者,许多西方小朋友的童年偶像。1980年的电视系列节目《宇宙:个人游记》在60多个国家有超过6亿人观看,是PBS历史上最受欢迎的节目之一。他在96年死于癌症,年仅62岁。